1. Ships' Lists found in the East India Company Ships' Journals 1605-1856 |
English |
152,501 |
2. Ships' Lists found in the East India Company Ships' Journals 1605-1856 |
English |
41,205 |
Alphabetical List of Noncommissioned Officers, Privates, and Foreigners of the Woolwich Division of the Royal Marines for Limited Service, 1812 |
English |
3,671 |
Australia Forms 1831-1833 |
English |
3,359 |
Batavia: Ship's Lists 1810-1820 |
English |
889 |
Bath Convict Hulk to New South Wales 1848-1855 |
English |
8 |
Blean Union Poor Law Children |
English |
15 |
Bonds and Agreements: Overseas Servants 1801 |
English |
41 |
Calendars of Prisoners |
English |
1,244 |
Castlecomer Poor Law Union Assisted Emigrants 1847-1853 |
English |
674 |
Consent to Expenditure Letters |
English |
5,952 |
Convict Tickets of Leave |
English |
3,402 |
Convict's Families 1848-1873 |
English |
5,333 |
Convicts & Emigrant Letters 1840-46 |
English |
3 |
Cyclopedia of New Zealand |
English |
20 |
Dolphin/Cumberland Descriptions 1819-1834 |
English |
5,439 |
East India College Writers Petitions |
English |
607 |
East India College Writers Petitions |
English |
6,071 |
Emigrants from Scotland to America, 1774-1775 |
English |
2,357 |
EN NTT CRO DD 1365 Agincourt to Australia |
English |
275 |
Essex Estate/Fam Records |
English |
7 |
Essex Indictment Books |
English |
1 |
Essex Indictment Books 21 |
English |
797 |
Essex Overseers Accounts |
English |
42 |
Europeans residing at Madras - Part 2 |
English |
64 |
Examination of Invalid Soldiers |
English |
12,556 |
Free Passage to New Zealand 1839-1842 |
English |
7,130 |
Free Passage to New Zealand 1839-1842; 274 |
English |
469 |
Halifax Orphans to Canada |
English |
4 |
Hawgood Family Letters |
English |
12 |
Hoxne Union Poor Law Ministry of Health 1838-1842 |
English |
8 |
Industrial School Children 1893-1895 |
English |
2 |
Irish Emigrant Letters 1842-1910 |
English |
6 |
Irish Emigrant Personal Accounts 1838-1901 |
English |
28 |
Irish to Canada 1824-1825 |
English |
2,709 |
jared test 1 |
English |
6 |
Land and Emigration Commission: Certificates Numbers: 1-3360, 1836-1838: 386/149 |
English |
3,332 |
Land and Emigration Commission: Certificates Numbers: 3361-7078, 1838-1840: 386/150 |
English |
3,643 |
Land and Emigration Commission: Certificates Numbers: 7079-9422, 1840-1841: 386/151 |
English |
2,145 |
Letters from James Horrocks |
English |
7 |
McCleland Family Letters to NZ 1840-1870 |
English |
36 |
McClure Family Letters 1817-1877 |
English |
11 |
Mormon Immigrants 1 |
English |
92,312 |
Mormon Immigrants 2 |
English |
23,030 |
Mutiny of convicts under transportation |
English |
1,106 |
![<p>National Archives Reference: CO 208/269</p>
<p>New Zealand Company Register of cabin passengers. 1839-1850. Includes: ship, captain, date sailed, # of Ld orders, name & description, age, adults: male or female, children: male or female. [description includes address] -139 pages, but only 17 have where the individuals are from. Some names give a residence and where they sailed to, but others only give the name and where they sailed from and to. The place of residence is usually given following the name, on the next line to the right, or at the end of a list of names of family members. Gives age of the person assumed to the be head of household and stats on numbers of adults and children (male and female) per household. Page number written in upper/outer corners of both pages.</p> Description](/images/question-mark.png) |
New Zealand Co Cabin Passengers 1839-1850 |
English |
167 |
New Zealand Company Correspondence 1841 |
English |
7 |
Norfolk Overseers' Accounts 1826-1835 |
English |
26 |
Original Certificates of Baptisms and Marriages of British Subjects Abroad |
English |
1,700 |
Passenger lists from British Isles to New Zealand, 1871-1888 |
English |
6,942 |
Passenger Lists of Steam Packets to the Mediterranean Area; 1831-1834 |
English |
2,126 |
Passport Applications 1815-1922 |
English |
8,106 |
Patagonia Relatives 1875 |
English |
1 |
Patrick Henderson & Co. Passenger Lists 1871-1880 |
English |
4,787 |
Penitentiary Register of Prisoners, 1841-1844 |
English |
247 |
Quarter Session Calendars, House of Correction, Preston. |
English |
195 |
Quarterly Returns of Prisoners in Convict Hulks |
English |
14,217 |
Register of Convicts to Tasmania |
English |
314 |
Register of Girls' Friendly Society 1890-1921 |
English |
211 |
Register of Vagrants Deported from the Port of Liverpool to Ireland, 1801-1835 |
English |
42,890 |
Royal Chelsea and Kilmainham Hospitals Pensioners H1 1834 |
English |
24 |
Speculum Gregisor Croydon 1844 |
English |
7 |
St. Helena to England and Other Locations |
English |
1,400 |
Suffolk Parish Assisted Emigration |
English |
58 |
Suffolk Poor Law Collection: Hoxne 437. 1836 |
English |
200 |
T 47 Weekly Emigration Returns 1773-1776 |
English |
14,543 |
Transportation Bonds |
English |
314 |
Vessels to South Africa |
English |
3,482 |
Vestry Book Glemsford emigration 1833-1839 |
English |
3 |
War & Colonial Department & Colonial Office: List of Scottish Settlers in Canada 1815 |
English |
758 |
Westminster Child Migrants 1874-1928 |
English |
2,048 |
Wiltshire Emigration Association Register of Emigrants |
English |
371 |
Wood Family Letters 1853-1859 |
English |
2 |