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Carlo Marchese
Events Birth: 10 January 1862 Genova Cornigliano, [Italia], [Genova], Ligure, Emigration: 26 September 1903 Perù, Lima, Passport Request: 23 September 1903 Torino, [Italia], Torino, [Piemonte], translation missing: en, extraction_tool, events, affidamento : 26 September 1903 Torino, [Italia], Torino, [Piemonte], Clearance to Emigrate: 23 September 1903 Torino, [Italia], Torino, [Piemonte], Residence: 26 September 1903 Torino, [Italia], Torino, [Piemonte]
Other Information Gender: Male Deceased: False, Family Notes: Emigra a Lima in Perù con consenso della moglie., Physical Description: True, Occupation: Meccanico
Paul Kämpf
Events Destination: Lima, Perù, Residence: Zurich, Schweiz, Departure: 4 June 1907
Other Information Gender: Male Age (years): 28, Marital Status: Led, Occupation: Zeichner
Cristóbal Azpilicueta
Events translation missing: en, extraction_tool, events, source: Arizcun / Arizkun, [Baztán], [Navarra], [Navarra], [España], Destination: , Death: Lima, [Perú], Residence: [Lima], [Perú], translation missing: en, extraction_tool, events, notarization: 1 December 1819 [Urdazubi] / Urdax , [Urdazubi/Urdax ], [Navarra], [Navarra], [España]
Other Information Gender: Male
George William Hayne
Events Birth: 1 August 1840 Lima, [Peru], translation missing: en, extraction_tool, events, filed: December 1853 , Baptism: 13 March 1841 , Residence: , Marriage:
Other Information Gender: Male Notes: Stated in record that the ceremony took place in Lima, [Peru]. His father is of Lima, [Peru]. Listed in record that Jane was formerly "Baynlon", this probably referring to her maiden name.
Juanita Pauline Charlotte Hayne
Events Birth: 25 February 1837 Lima, [Peru], translation missing: en, extraction_tool, events, filed: December 1853 , Baptism: 6 May 1837 , Residence: , Marriage:
Other Information Gender: Female Notes: Listed in record that the ceremony was solemnized in Lima
John Baynton Hayne
Events Birth: 10 June 1838 , translation missing: en, extraction_tool, events, filed: December 1853 , Baptism: 27 October 1838 , Residence: [Mismia] Lima, Peru, Marriage:
Other Information Gender: [Male] Notes: Listed in record that the baptism was performed in Lima [Peru]. The father John Baynton was listed as being born in London, and the mother, Jane was listed as being born in [Guernsey], [England]. This record is a copy extracted from the "Register of Baptisms in Her Majesty's Consulate [Seneml] at Lima".
James Charles Hayne
Events Birth: , translation missing: en, extraction_tool, events, filed: November 1855 , Baptism: , Residence: Lima, [Peru], Marriage: 17 February 1855 Lima, Peru
Other Information Gender: [Male] Notes: According to the record, he is 26 years old at the time of the record. Listed in record that father "James Hayne" was deceased at the time of this record.
Carolina Winifred Grimanesa Pfeiffer
Events Birth: , translation missing: en, extraction_tool, events, filed: November 1855 , Baptism: , Residence: Lima, [Peru], Marriage: 17 February 1855 Lima, Peru
Other Information Gender: [Female] Notes: According to the record, she is 22 year old at the time of the record
María Villalobos
Events Birth: 1779 , Destination: Lima, Perú, Residence:
Other Information Gender: Female Year of Document: 1839, Age: 60, Notes: Último pasaporte. Para diligencias., Marital Status: Viudo, Date of Emigration: 20 ago 1839, Page Number: 418, Occupation: Asistencias
Manuel María del Mazo
Events Birth: , Destination: Lima, Perú, Residence:
Other Information Gender: Male Year of Document: 1839, Date of Emigration: 22 ago 1839, Page Number: 426
Benito García Valdeavellanos
Events Birth: 1826 Soria, [Soria], [Castilla y León], España, Destination: Lima, Perú, Residence:
Other Information Gender: Male Year of Document: 1839, Age: 13, Notes: Último pasaporte., Marital Status: Soltero, Date of Emigration: 14 oct 1839, Page Number: 522
José Echevarria
Events Birth: 1823 Cádiz, Cádiz, [Andalucía], España, Destination: Valparaíso, Perú, Residence:
Other Information Gender: Male Year of Document: 1839, Age: 16, Notes: Último pasaporte. Para diligencias., Marital Status: Soltero, Date of Emigration: 4 Nov 1839, Page Number: 561, Occupation: N/a
José Antonio Fernández Prada
Events Birth: 1779 Lima, Perú, Destination: Valparaíso, Perú, Residence:
Other Information Gender: Male Year of Document: 1839, Age: 60, Notes: Último pasaporte. Propietario., Marital Status: Casado, Date of Emigration: 6 nov 1839, Page Number: 572, Occupation: Propietario
Wenceslao Rieco
Events Birth: , Destination: Valparaíso, Perú, Residence:
Other Information Gender: Male Year of Document: 1836, Date of Emigration: 24 mar 1836, Page Number: 55
José Miguez
Events Birth: 1770 Santiago de Galicia, Galicia, Galicia, España, Destination: Lima, Perú, Residence:
Other Information Gender: Male Year of Document: 1840, Age: 70, Notes: Último pasaporte., Marital Status: Casado, Date of Emigration: 11 nov 1840, Page Number: 488, Occupation: Comerciante
José Pimental
Events Birth: 1818 Santiago de Galicia, Galicia, Galicia, España, Destination: Lima, Perú, Residence:
Other Information Gender: Male Year of Document: 1840, Age: 22, Notes: Último pasaporte. Para diligencias., Marital Status: Soltero, Date of Emigration: 11 nov 1840, Page Number: 489, Occupation: Comerciante
Bernardo Pérez
Events Birth: 1811 Viniegra de Abajo, [La Rioja], [La Rioja], España, Destination: Valparaíso, Perú, Residence:
Other Information Gender: Male Year of Document: 1840, Age: 29, Notes: Último pasaporte. Para diligencias., Marital Status: Soltero, Date of Emigration: 16 nov 1840, Page Number: 492, Occupation: Comerciante
Antonio Yrizarri
Events Birth: 1818 San Fernando, Cádiz, [Andalucía], España, Destination: Lima, Perú, Residence:
Other Information Gender: Male Year of Document: 1840, Age: 22, Notes: Último pasaporte. Para diligencias., Marital Status: Soltero, Date of Emigration: 19 nov 1840, Page Number: 507, Occupation: Tienda de refino
Antonio Niubo
Events Birth: 1781 , Destination: Valparaíso y Pacífico, Perú, Residence:
Other Information Gender: Male Year of Document: 1840, Age: 59, Notes: Dueño y maestro del bergantin español nombrado Barcelo, destino Pacifico. Para diligencias. (Peru). Descripción. Dirección., Page Number: 295, Date of Emigration: 21 jul 1840, Occupation: Dueño y maestro del bergantín
Michele Canessa
Events Passport Granted: 11 October Genova, [Genova], [Regno di Sardegna], Affidavit: , Birth: Genova, [Genova], [Regno di Sardegna], Passport Request: 10 September 1850 Genova, [Genova], [Regno di Sardegna], Emigration: 11 October Francia/Inghilterra/Perù, Baptism: , Residence: 10 September 1858 Genova, [Genova], [Regno di Sardegna], Marriage:
Other Information Gender: Male File Under Name Of: Canessa, Michele, Notes: Richiede la rinnovazione del passaporto scaduto datato il 10 Settembre 1850 quando aveva 23 anni, buono per la Gibilterra. Il passaporto rinnovato è buono per la Francia, Inghilterra, e Perù. C'è scritto sul passaporto scaduto che era visto e rilasciato anche per la California negli Stati Uniti d'America il 11 Ottobre 1850., Occupation: Commesso di Commercio, Physical Description: true, Emigrating: true
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