Immigrant Details


General Information
Age: 28
Hair: Ch
Size: Haut
Religion: Ancien Catholique
Emigration: 16 September 1768
        Region: Colombies pres Villefranche de Rouergue
        Place: Port Au Prince
    shipname: Pomonne (La)
    reason: Affaires
    captain: Bouillac
Archive: Archives Départementales de Bordeaux

Archive Website

Collection: Embarquements

This is a collection of immigrants leaving from Bordeaux between 1713 and 1787. They are organized in the series 6B under the call numbers 45 to 58. All travel applicants had to give an attestation of religion before being allowed to board the boat. At each departure the Admiral of Guyenne (an old French region) created, under the authority of the captain, a list of passengers with certain information about their identity and destination. Title of documents: Identity and Catholic certificates, passport submissions concerning the departed passengers from Bordeaux.

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