Immigrant Details

Candida Carvalho

General Information
Marital status: [Casada]
Identification of aplication: Mediante Passaporte
Spouse Manuel Maria Rebello
Arrival: 28 December 1911
        Civil Parish: Vila Nova de Foz Côa
Archive: Portugal Consulate in Honolulu
Collection: Arrival Records

Reference: Family History Library, United States & Canada Film, 1017125

The images are part of the Consulado Geral de Portugal in Hawaii. These represent the passport registers that contain data regarding those that arrived in Hawaii from 1878 through 1913. These books are pretty consistent in form and layout; most of them contain about 35 persons per page. Most entries provide personal information about the individual arriving to Honolulu, Hawaii and some information about any accompanying individuals.

Order Number: 5316

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