Immigrant Details

Francisco Gonçalves Capellas

General Information
Gender: Male
émigration: False
Validity of passport: 60 dias
Child Victorino Gonçalves Capellas
Passport Issued: 26 November 1874
        City: Rio De Janeiro
        Country: [Brasil]
        State: [Rio de Janeiro]
    Port of Departure: Lisboa
        County: Oliveira do Hospital
        Civil Parish: Seixo do Ervedal
    District: [Coimbra]
    Born in: Seixos
Não sabe escrever
Archive: Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra

Archive Website

Collection: Governo Civil

These records are part of the Governo Civil record collection found in the Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra under section Inspecção, Licenciamento, Fiscalização e Segurança, under Estante 5, Tabelas 3 through 5. The call numbers AUC/GCC/ILFS/E6/T3/140 through AUC/GCC/ILFS/E6/T5/228 represent the passport registers that contain data regarding those that requested emigration passports between 1835 and 1929. These books vary in form and layout; some of them contain one entry per page, while others contain 10 to 30 per page. Most entries provide personal information about the individual applying to emigrate and some information about any accompanying individuals.

Record Number: 2854
Call Number:146

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