Immigrant Details

Johannes Bos

General Information
Id: 256
Age: 30
Religion: Gereformeerd
Occupation: Landbouwer
Emigration: (Not given) 1895
        Province/State: New-Mexico
        Country: [U.S.]
        Municipality: Oldekerk
        Province: [Groningen]
        Country: [Nederland]
het dokument vermeld Nieuw Mexico, maar waarschijnlijk wordt hiermee New Mexico, U.S., bedoeld
Archive: Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie, Nederland

Archive Website

Collection: Landverhuizerslijsten - Groningen Digital

These are official lists of emigrants in the Netherlands 1848-1877. These lists are stored in regional archives and in the “Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie” in The Hague. The provinces would list the number of emigrants per municipality in yearly reports and send these to The Hague. It was not until 1879 that the Province of Groningen recorded this data in separate “Landverhuizerslijsten” instead of in the provincial census. These lists include place of residence, given name, last name, gender, age, occupation, religion, the class according to income, reason for departure, and destination.

page #: 148

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