Immigrant Details

Francisco Muñoz Portilla

General Information
Gender: Male
Edad: 15 años 1 mes
Emigra: TRUE
Nº registro: 106
Descripción física: TRUE
Nombre de la embarcación: Fragata Fé
Notas: En el documento, el destino escrito sin S: "Matanza". Cumplió con lo prevenido en las Reales Órdenes.
Registration: [12-17] April 1849
        Town: [Matanzas]
        Country: [Cuba]
Birth: (Not given)
        Town: Santa María de Cayón
        Municipality: [Santa María de Cayón]
        Province: [Cantabria]
        Region: [Cantabria]
        Country: [España]
Archive: Archivo Histórico Provincial de Cantabria

Archive Website

Collection: Gobierno Civil, Registros de Pasaportes, Legajo 91-1 (Libro 6)

The original documents that compose these collection of records are stored in the Diputación section of the Historical Provincial Archive of Cantabria. They are organized in seven register books that hold the emigration passport requests from 1824 to 1856 (with some missing years). The majority of these books contain at least four entries per page, in which is found, in every entry, personal information about the individual applying to emigrate and some information about any other accompanying individuals.

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